
Some Ways that Residential Treatment Works

Due to the proliferation and corporatization of residential treatment centers, the caliber of the admissions staff at these programs staff has declined. They are no longer compassionate outreach but largely an arm of the corporation. This change has made it even more important for clinicians to assess when and why a patient needs to consider this level of care.

Looking for a quick fix or magic cure is the worst reason to consider residential treatment. Used as a tool in recovery, this path can can be very beneficial. Having unrealistic expectations only makes the time, energy and expense used feel like a waste.

There are several clear reasons to look into residential treatment. And it’s only worth pursuing this option when there is a clear purpose in mind. 

The most obvious reason is a patient who is medically unstable due to the eating disorder. A program can normalize food and help the person regain medical stability quickly.

When someone becomes unable to function in their life professionally, academically or personally, residential treatment can be a reasonable choice. The consistent food and stable environment can normalize the body and brain and enable the person to resume their lives and be more able to work on recovery.

A third clear reason for residential treatment is someone who is very stuck in the cycle of their illness. Even if the person functions well enough, it may be clear that the eating disorder is very limiting and outpatient treatment won’t be able to break the cycle. The combination of a new food pattern and a new environment can alter a very destructive cycle and open the door to being able to challenge the eating disorder more directly.

Finally, some people need to better understand the philosophy of recovery. Some programs offer not only stabilization but a new way to conceive of how recovery progresses. This new mindset can open up a patient whose thoughts have become very fixed and rigid.

Although this list is not exhaustive, it highlights some clear indications for residential treatment and the potential benefits. What brings these different options together is a very clear goal for the treatment. The purpose of residential is to try to achieve certain specific goals, not present the idealistic and unrealistic goal of full recovery.

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