
The Magical World of the Perfect Diet

With all this knowledge about biology and weight, it would seem obvious that these facts would change our behavior. However, this knowledge fades into the background amid unsubstantiated, clearly untrue dieting advice. 

It's hard to conceive of why the public would choose a clearly impossible goal of weight loss over a proven path of following the body's own internal signals. Clearly the scientific facts could provide some sense of peace. Yet the drive for thinness remains paramount for the modern adult. 

The meaning of thinness surpasses all success in our culture. Without achieving it, any other achievements are discounted. Even without other meaning in life, thinness itself counts as true success. 

The cultural zeitgeist has elevated thinness to a true measure of a person's value. In these circumstances, scientific knowledge can't be fully accepted. The fantasy that permanent weight loss brought by the perfect combination of diet and exercise must exist, according to this precept.

To conceive of a world without that panacea is analogous to a child believing in a world without Santa Claus. 

In fact, the deeply held belief system around weight leads our population into dangerous territory all the time, heedless of the risk. Children taken to weight loss camps at age eight. Doctors chastising patients about weight without any facts to substantiate their medical recommendations. Communities of adolescents teaching each other how to purge in the school bathroom. Hoards of adults willingly allowing doctors to surgically destroy their gastrointestinal systems. 

As the repercussions grow for various weight loss regimens, the risk to our community also grows. The long term questions about our state of mind and our collective life purpose become clearer. How can we all wake up from this nightmare and define a successful and useful life outside of food and weight? Facts may be necessary but clearly aren't sufficient. The next few posts will address this concern.

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