
The Realities of Nutrition Science

A recent article about nutrition studies by a renowned but at times misleading health writer cast a spotlight on an often hidden reality. Research into nutrition science is almost completely useless. 

The article points out that these studies cannot possibly take into account the myriad effects of many other external causes into various diseases or health concerns. The complexity of singling out any direct link between a diet change and a medical or health outcome is almost impossible. 

The omnipresent diet and exercise industries would have us all believe otherwise. They insist that any number of decisions about food choice is essential for long-term health and weight loss. These supposed experts have no guidelines and regulations about their advice and can continue to spread misinformation to build business. As long as the media covers nutrition studies as if it is science, most people will attempt to follow these often contradictory suggestions and remain adrift about any dietary decisions they make. 

The real experts have provided guidance about how to interpret nutrition information for years. However, their thoughts are so basic and obvious that they tend to drift quickly into oblivion. No one wants to hear that diet advice is completely unfounded. It's not interesting copy to report that the best diet is a variety of foods in a moderate amount with as much real food as possible. 

The limited amount if knowledge we do have about food and nutrition doesn't come close to satisfying our collective appetite for a magical way to approach eating. Everyone wants a quick fix that is proven to promote health, longevity and weight loss. Since nothing of the sort exists, American ingenuity creates an endless assortment of fabricated solutions to food, and the public gobbles them all ignoring the obvious fact that no approach is proven to be effective. 

The first step to find a peaceful and knowledgeable way to approach food is by accepting the clear evidence that nutrition science is extremely limited. Any desire to find a quick fix represents an emotional attachment to food and a need to manage those emotions through manipulation of one's diet. Acknowledging this reality is the first big step forward for anyone with a difficult relationship with food.

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